By BigEyeUg Team
SK Mbuga has proved to be a man with a big heart and one full of forgiveness to those who wrong him.
One man who can testify to this is Bugembe Esmile aka the “International Analyst” who was recently arrested for attempting to defraud the tycoon.
Bugembe who was taken in by the authorities when he posted bad things about SK and asked him for ransom money to delete the post was remorseful and received forgives.
He posted on his wall praising SK for his kind heart; “After making an apology both in statements and also showing ‘Respect and Loyalty’ to businessman and City-Tycoon Mr. SK Mbuga’ (as you see in the photos) I am happy he was kind enough to forgive me for trying to tarnish his name by writing false information in-form of forged stories about him on my Facebook page, which turned out to be BlackMail!”
Although most of his followers were against him kneeing as he apologized, he did it anyway and posted the photos.
We will keep you posted.