Huawei, a leading global Information and Communications Technology solutions provider (“ICT”) has showcased the future of technology with latest technological trends like the Virtual Reality gaming technology, RuralStar solution and the Connected Cow Agricultural solution among so many others. This was at the MTN 20 year’s anniversary expo at Kololo Airstrip.
According to Mr. Liujiawei, the Managing Director of Huawei Uganda, Huawei will keep focusing on helping its customers to improve user experience, enable innovative services for vertical industries and to build telecom networks with more vitality and longer life cycle.
“With our mission and vision of bringing digital to every person, home, organization for a fully connected intelligent world, we hope that Uganda will continue moving faster into LTE for inspiring the development of many new applications, integration of industries, while it is gaining experience of the 5G business model and strengthening the 5G Ecosystem. We highly believe that the technological revolution in a country like this will spur efficient administration, reduce administrative costs of governance, promote safety, increase economic productivity, create a
digital Uganda, improve the standard of living and increase employment opportunities among others,” noted Mr. Liujiawei.
Huawei was at the 2017 Mobile World Congress (MWC) awarded for its outstanding contribution for LTE revolution to 5G and in 2018, it presented technologies and solutions for 5G, All-Cloud network, video, and IoT in order to achieve better connections, better business growth, and better experience for its clients.
At the same time, Huawei has kept the road to 5G a reality since investing and innovating it five years back. Approximately US$600 million has been invested in research and development into 5G technologies from connected vehicles and smart homes to AR/VR and hologram videos among others.
The NB-IoT connected cow solution, WTTH (Wireless To The Home) and Rural Coverage solutions were also showcased at the MTN 20 th Anniversary expo at Kololo.
The connected cow solution uses Narrow Band-IoT collar to monitor the cow’s activity by which to easily predict the Cow’s rut. The rut makes the cows to produce milk and trigger them to mating and breeding period. Farmers will easily check Cow’s rut notification anytime anywhere through a mobile app connected with the NB-IoT collar device. This increases farm productivity, efficiency and profitability.
For African markets where fixed broadband penetration is still low and where most users are mobile-first, WTTx is a quick win for mobile operators, WTTx is one of the most feasible and fastest solution not only to drive business growth for operators, but also to minimise the digital divide and provide broadband services for more people.
RuralStar2.0, an innovative site solution in terms of transmission, infrastructure, base station design, and energy. This solution addresses increasing demands for voice and data services from the unconnected and increases operator ROI for rural network deployment. This solution fulfills the following rural MBB requirements: 2G, 3G, or 4G rural MBB networks providing rates of over 10 Mbit/s at cell edges and cell coverage of 5 km; Extended 2G and 3G coverage at a maximum distance of 60 km from the nearest tower-mounted site, providing voice and data (over 1 Mbit/s at cell edges) services and cell coverage of 5 km.