By Charles Lambert
Every time I look at a Ugandan, the first question that comes to my mind is “How many slots of UPAP do you own? When I look at people who have come into close contact with me or our organization and realize they don’t own any UPAP, I puzzle with amazement.
When I look at those who earned millions from us either in salaries, commissions, supplier contracts and the likes and still don’t own any UPAP, I finally comprehend the scripture- “my people perish for lack of knowledge”.
I own 2,000 out of the 20,000 available UPAP slots. I settled my mother, my father, my siblings, my children and all my loved ones by issuing those UPAP Slots.
I gave my best employees, my confidants, my strongest supporters and my deepest well-wishers UPAP slots and I know for a fact that I now truly owe no one anything no matter how much more successful I become in the future. So what is so special about UPAP slots?

UPAP slots are dividend magnets to the largest economic revolution in Africa’s history YET pegged to receive only $100 per month from the pot because the magnets are so few they could easily get $10,000 per month each. The pegging was easy to implement because the magnets were received through product purchase as against pure cash investment ( Ofcourse the mitigating factors we experienced meant some people never got their tablets but this doesn’t erase the fact that a product was paid for). This pegging of these magnets however has a strong benefit which is that those magnets will ALWAYS be able to withdraw that $100 per month from that huge pot forever.
This means one magnet or one UPAP slot is GUARANTEED to pay you dividend of $100 per month for life? So how are we sure this pot of money where the magnets are drawing from is realistic.
Development Channel owns some of the most critical intellectual properties in the world of international development. From programs to systems, processes to structures, themes to designs, products to services, shows to campaigns and more, DC is THE INNOVATOR for global development. One great monopolistic innovation makes billions of dollars in today’s world so how about 100s? DC’s Flow which connects all of Africa’s economy through a credit system is highly monopolistic in nature and set to attract over 80% of the African population and $1.5 billion dollars in monthly revenues. DC’s OBF which connects home construction to overseas mortgages for funding is a $17 billion dollars per annum initiative.
Then DC’s Redirect Mall, DC’s Lechi, DC’s ITE, DC’s Forgotten Places, DC’s M7 Agriculture bank, DC’s Economic System, and countless multi billion dollars intellectual property belonging to one company.

Development Channel has also completed the development of its proprietary Influence Triangle with the unique App Based ability to employ 18.6 million people in three distinct professions to effectively influence the market dominance of its 100s of unprecedented innovations. We don’t just have products;we also have the market in our palm. So why not share it with your friends and families only, why give it to me for buying a product?
Simple answer, without you, our orchestrated plan to deliver Africa from gross poverty and lack of capital for industrialization and job creation will not succeed. Without paying that $100 per month to as many people as possible (20,000), we will only succeed in making money for ourselves but do nothing great for Africa. What’s the fun in just making some individual money if it’s possible that we can do both individual and community benefit? How do you mean?
We must have a version of New York’s Wall Street in Africa if we will ever experience industrialization. Who will bell the cat has been the only question. Black Americans tried to do this for the race by creating what they called The Black Wall Street. They profited individually and collectively until envy drove some white Americans to attack them and burn down the whole place killing over 300 people and burning the place to ashes(The place is still a ghetto today). We are rebuilding this Black Wall Street in Uganda because the only mistake our African American brothers and sisters made was to build The Black Wall Street on Western Soil and Uganda being one of the most secured black nations in the world because of M7, provides the most logical nation for the establishment of the most important icon of the Black Race ( THE ONLY PROBLEM THE PREVIOUS BLACK WALL STREET HAD WAS SECURITY).
We can only create Black Wall Street through thousands of families receiving and withdrawing dividends via verifiable pro development companies paying them for risk free investments through product purchase. This will encourage all of Africa and diaspora 1.4 billion people to participate in the risk free investment mechanism of the Black Wall Street and we can use the over $100 billion dollars saved from capital flight to horn Africa towards competing in a $21 trillion dollars development financial market. Strangely and quite simply, we need you to own UPAP for Africa to develop.
So what are you waiting for, take over the slot of ignorant people who thought they were joining a ponzie, a get rich quick scheme and began to murmur when it became academic and intellectual.

Over 3,800 Ugandans with over 11,000 slots currently own an account on the platform where all Development Channel innovations are sold through its Influence Triangle and have been receiving $100 per slot, per month payment for several months anticipating regular withdrawals while DC has launched 7 highly innovative basic human need Apps on Google Play Store. UPAP value is never less than $100 per month in dividend and gained this status since November 2019 making thousands of members have current account balances exceeding $1,000 and counting. UPAP is currently the only monthly dividend paying stock in Ugandan history.
After the malicious attack and blackmail we experienced from detractors who thought cheap attacks could derail us, we implemented a new rule of account activation to help us separate our internal enemies from our loyal members. This has made thousands of inactivated UPAP slots ready for buy out and settlement of the withdrawn members.
Own UPAP Slot today by replacing an uninformed illiterate who thought it was a Ponzi when they invested.
Ask one of our authorized brokers about Cash OUT. Cash Out expected at the boom of the industry to pay $30,000 per UPAP slot which only cost most people $270 dollars at the time, 2018(Now valued at $500 per slot).
UPAP was created to make eternal history. Knowing about it and not owning it will haunt you forever.

Charles N. Lambert, UK Educated and US Trained Corporate Strategist, Leader of Africa’s First Economic war created Development Channel, UPAP, Black Wall Street and DCs 25 companies, themes, designs, structures, Influence Triangle, App Shows and the Global Economic Systems.
UPAP stands for Uganda Poverty Alleviation Program.
M7 agricultural bank that will be set up in 600 locations across Africa.
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