The Diva awards were yesterday launched at club Ambiance. The categories in which individuals will compete in this year were also released at the launch. The awards will take place later this year. The CEO of the awards once again stated that they are mainly to empower women who have excelled in their different fields.
Here’s the full list of Diva awards categories:
1. Sports Role Model Diva
2. Fashion and style Role Model Diva
3. Press/Media(Entertainment) Role Model
4. Theatre Role Model Diva
5. Best Actress Role Model Diva
6. TV Presenter (Entertainment) Role Model Diva
7. Standup Comedian Role Model Diva
8. Radio Presenter (Entertainment) Role Model Diva
9. Humanitarian
10. Lifetime Achievement Diva
11. Exceptional video
12. Outstanding song
13. Uprising Diva
14. Best message Video
15. Best originality Video
16. Best Production Video
17. Best Dance Video
18. Best Message Song
19. Best Originality Song
20. Best Production Song
21. Best Arrangement Song