Using his daughter Sheilah Gashumba as an example, self-made entrepreneur and social commentator Frank Gashumba has advised young girls on Facebook about success. He posted:
“This is for you young ladies.
Be an independent woman, do anything that is in line of the law to make money even if it means working in a mouchary. No one will ever respect you when you are broke, it doesn’t make sense to be beautiful when you are exclusively broke. Men will always despise broke women. Thats the message I have been giving Sheila from day one, that my money is mine not hers.
Even if she gets married tomorrow, she must be a respectful wife but very independent financially. A woman that owns a vitz car is better than a woman who drives a Range-Rover owned by the husband. It is common practice in Africa. When your husband dies, your in laws will come and take each and everything from you but they cant take away a log book or land tittle that is in your names.
Sheila started working at the age of 9 year old. Now she imports sunglasses, waist trainers and human extensions.
Surprisingly those who don’t know me, think its me who giving her the capital she uses, its her own money and I only guide her and corrects her and when she makes a mistake. I tell her that she should thank God she has made this mistake when she is 20 but you cant make a mistake twice.
Don’t despise jobs, banks don’t refuse money no matter where you get it from. No one will ever respect a broke person and a broke person will not go to Heaven because every bad thing rotates around brokeness.
What can we do to empower the girl child???”
Staff Writer