By Nimusiima
You might disagree with me. It is understandable because you haven’t watched New Day by Lillian Mbabazi and Atlas. Also, because you are an ardent Bebe Cool fan. It is good to be a fan, but better to give credit where it is due. Why doesn’t Atlas’ videos shoot up the skies? Over the years, with these nice videos, well-shot and good pictorial, Atlas has remained, yes, respected, but largely unknown. That’s not the point here. The point is New Day is an extremely good piece of work. The one that entails a keen eye to notice it and a good taste to appreciate it. The clarity of the picture is what folks would say, “Out of this world!”
New Day is a good song; a good beat merged with Atlas’ unrivaled rapping with soothing crooning of Lillian Mbabazi at the chorus. New Day should be a new day for Atlas and Uganda’s music videos. It is the clarity of the video that will elevate us. Okay, creativity should tag along as well. Is New Day creatively put? Yes, it is. Atlas has remained an upscale kind of rapper, you know, and his videos, with due respect, are up there with the Navios of this country. To stay true and loyal to Hip Hop and all the flamboyant life rappers tend to live, Atlas pulls over in a dark Rolls Royce, all looking suave and dapper. Donning a dark suit as though he has been plucked off a magazine cover. New Day is better than Love You Every Day. Assembly dismissed!
Watch New Day here: