By Sam Ugandan
5. No fights and Quarrels. Some people think that a relationship can exist without fighting and quarreling of which is false, fine it may exist but then it will be a fake relationship. (made in china)
4. You may think that your girl is the best, yet she could be the fakest elsewhere. For instance, if you are from Kyambogo University, you may think that those girls from Kiboga are the best but when you travel to MUBS, UCU, Nkozi or that university near Wandegeya that likes striking, you will surely be disapproved with the abundance of resources available.
3. Impossible to cheat on you, it is actually impossible for neither parties or party to be cheating on the other because if you decide not to cheat then your partner is likely to help you to do it.
2. There is a tendency for guys to fear fat girls and girls fearing fat guys not knowing that whatever brought the size of the body reduced the size of the crater lake or the peninsular
1. People tend to undermine small/skinny/tiny girls or guys kumbe he or she might be small but when he or she is big size, meaning that whatever made the butt to shrink was compensated for in the front or front wise. There is a relative saying in luganda that “ekyatwala akabina ………