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Singer Fille Mutoni maybe silent on the music scene but not in digging people’s pockets. Fille is in another scandle that will disppoint her fans and music lovers. The singer is said to have conned a fellow singer last year promising him a collabo which she later is said to have played hide and seek.
Tanzanian singer Shapern who was seeking to conquer the Ugandan market has proven paying Fille Ugx1,500,000 to record an audio which they two agreed to shoot a video for.
Fille then asked for clothes Worth Ugx800,000 and a fee of ugx 1,500,000 to shoot the video and that is where Fille has since gone silent. After receiving payment, Sharpen flew to Uganda to shoot his video but Fille did not pick a single a call. For 3 weeks Fille did not pick her calls until Sharpen retired back to his country.
Fille has since ignored Sharpen’s calls and now pretends notbing ever happened between the two.
Frustrated Sharpen has released screen shots to pin the female singer.