Vocal police came into being when Maro penetrated the music industry and secured a front spot a year or two ago. He brought Ray Signature on board shortly after the secession of Big tym with which Ray sang. Later on, they were joined by a no nuisance dancehall Diva Empress. Since then, rumors have been moving incognito until two months ago when Ray and Empress have been taken for a pair.
A close source has revealed to us that he has for over 2 months, been spotting the two around most popular hangouts, disco halls, beaches and restaurants sharing intimate and cozy moments.
However, Empress, the lone lady among the guys in Vocal police under the stewardship of Maro came out openly to refute this allegation saying they are just friends with no strings attached whatsoever. She claims they are only always together simply because they are signed to the same label.
“Am not dating anybody in vocal police and those who think am in any kind of a relationship with Ray, they are mistaken”. Said Empress