Let’s face it, getting money in Uganda’s hard economy these days is pretty hard work. Worse still, the parents that always fix our wallets are also hard up with finances. This means that each and every single coin counts. Those days of blowing money at University Bazaars and beach parties are no more.
Recently, I got a gig to be an usher for one day at a corporate event and was paid 50,000Ushs. Before I could even reach my hostel, I was already thinking of how to top up MB’s on my Phone, buy some airtime, pass via Chicken Tonight and pick some chips.
All these thoughts came to my mind as I pondered on how best to allocate my hard earned money, while still getting the best out of it. Something then hit my mind, I remembered that I could easily bet on the football matches over that weekend, and have a probability of making more money out of the 50,000Ushs. But worse still, I worried that maybe I could lose it completely.
I quickly made a decision to buy some MB’s such that I could check out some Facebook gossip and also WhatsApp a few friends. In that mix is when I started browsing the internet and landed on this great opportunity that teaches young people how to better manage their money. I clicked on the Readytowork Online banner which quickly took me to the ReadytoWork portal which addressed my burning problem, how to spend my hard earned 50,000Ushs. On the ReadytoWork portal, I realized that I could also undergo People, Work and Entrepreneurial skills on top of the Money skills which were my initial burden.

I urge all young people out there, University students, Senior six leavers, tertiary institution students to register for the free Barclays ReadytoWork online training which also has been heightened with a face-to- face training that one can register for by clicking on this link. One thing am certain about is that during the upcoming face-to- face training, I will receive 2 certificates, one from Barclays ReadytoWork, and a second one from Google – Digicon Mini.