By Our Reporter
My worldview can be summed up in one phrase. “Life owes you nothing”. I am a pragmatist. It might seem like a harsh statement but it’s the truth and it’s a hard reality for some people to bear.
One of the reasons I’ve never got solace from religion/praying is because I’ve never believed God owes me anything. His job with me was done immediately he gave me life. It’s left up to me to make do with what I can for the rest of my life.
I don’t feel entitled to love, compassion, sympathy, friendship, family etc. These are nice things to have and I’m grateful that I’ve had them in abundance growing up. But that’s not the case for a lot of people. The world is a harsh place to live in, but it’s not all doom and gloom. We create for ourselves moments of pure joy and happiness.
Some people grew up in broken homes/families, others were fortunate to grow up in a loving and warm family. Life will never come around and cut you a cheque for all the benefits you missed out on that others got to enjoy.
It’s important you make peace with this reality sooner than later. And work towards building something for yourself instead of waiting. Life won’t come around and cut you a cheque for your daddy not being there, or for your mother dying at birth, or for you being born poor. It won’t.
Life won’t cut you a cheque to make up for all the birthdays your daddy missed, or all the nights you spent alone, or the pain you’ve had to endure. Life owes us nothing. Death is what awaits us after we are done in this world. That’s as cold a reality as there will ever be.