By Our Reporter
CNOOC Uganda, an oil and gas company, has recognized and awarded the best performing students at PLE, UCE and UACE levels in Hoima and Kikuube under its Corporate Social Responsibility Program code-named “CNOOC Best Performer’s Award”.
A total of 14,000 US Dollars (about UGX 49,500,000/=) has been awarded to 180 best performing students this year, 2021. These students were selected by the office of the Education Officers, Hoima city and Kikuube and Hoima Districts based on the Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) results.
The CNOOC Best Performers Award was inaugurated in 2012, with an aim of motivating and encouraging students in Hoima District to perform better. To date, the program has benefited 930 students at PLE, UCE and UACE levels.
“The Best Performers Awards affirms our willingness to be a good neighbor and a trusted friend to fulfil the win-win principle with key stakeholders in the region.” Aminah Bukenya, CNOOC Uganda’s Media and Publicity Manager noted.
The award ceremony was presided over by Samuel Kisembo Araali, Resident City Commissioner (RCC), as a Chief Guest who commended CNOOC Uganda for the unwavering support to the communities especially in the area of operation.
He also congratulated the award winners along with their parents and teachers and urged the students to continue working hard at their next level of education and always consider giving back to the community so that those who come after them can receive the same support.
Mr. Godfrey Serwanja, the DEO, Hoima noted that the awards have motivated schools into performing better at all the three levels compared to previous years before the awards. He said there has been a 400% improvement in the grades since the launch of the Best Performers Awards Program.