Woman MP Rose Akol representing Bukedea District in Teso region has been appointed as the new Minister for Internal Affairs, replacing the late General Aronda Nyakairima who breathed his last earlier this year.
General Aronda Nyakairima reportedly died on flight as he traveled back to Uganda from South Korea via Dubai. According to a postmortem report carried out at Mulago referral hospital, the General died of acute heart failure resulting from numerous fats which hindered the normal pumping of blood by the heart.
Chris Obore, the Communications head at Parliament was overwhelmed by this development as he took to social media to welcome his region mate in her new position.
“I’m from Teso, my district is Bukedea, on behalf of my self and the people of Teso who live in Bukedea we welcome new minister of internal affairs.” Chris Obore wrote.
Staff Writer