By Moses Abeka
Highly billed as “battle of Africa”, the Lion Lager Summit Beer held in Harare at Glamis Arena, lived less to the billling.
At about 7pm, there was a sparse crowd as the $20 (about Ugx55K) proved too pricey.
When Bebe walked on stage at about 9:45pm, after the curtain raiser performances, the number was significant. His intro lasted 7 minutes sounding more like a sound check.
When he kept going, he kept giving sermons between songs and sometimes during songs meaning he did not flow till he was joined by a supporting act that fired up the crowd in the last 3 songs.
The winner was Winky D making most of home advantage delivering an energy packed 45 minute performance.
Then D’Banj! He came on stage with “Fall in love” and the ladies responded by giving the affection. They swarmed the stage, including a top female artiste who Kokomaster rub dubbed, some revellers in Zimbabwe telling me D’Banj did not even know she was a `star’.
He failed to entertain, crowds dispersed!