By Nimusima
BBA’s Kacey Moore was in town, courtesy of Ellah, a few days ago at The Lantern Meet of Poets. The former BBA contestant left the audience frozen in their seats and Ellah rolling her glassy eyes as he performed in front of the jam-packed National Theatre auditorium. Honestly, he never looked a poet at first sight. But as he walked up the stage, the audience waiting for the chips to fall, he started off lazily, throwing darts of mockery at Uganda and all, but later eased on the steering wheel and was up to the races. He worked the poetry-savvy audience with a couple of poems. But, to me, he looked as though he was rapping. He came off good, though. Ellah would be seen shoving her phone in the air to capture every moment. Sometimes she would shriek in delight, looking unsettled in her seat.

The Lantern Meet of Poets, for the past eight or so years, has always been a platform for poets to climb and, while using the weapon of words, talk about societal issues. This time round, they titled the production ‘What Shall We Name This Child’ that explored the theme of culture and identity.It was a flawlessly executed production that saw, as usual, different poets recite to the masses that braved National Theatre in the two-day shows.