Musician Angella Katatumba will save the lives of 60 premature babies every week following her donation to Mulago Hospital recently.
The “Multiply by two” singer, who is famed for her humanitarian work, recently donated Ugx 10 Million to Mulago Hospital special care unit through her foundation, the Angella Katatumba Development Foundation(AKDF), for the purchase of a Phototherapy machine and Syringe pump. The medical equipment which was procured through Crown Healthcare Ltd was finally delivered to the hospital on Monday.
The joy was palpable as the medical equipment was received at Mulago Hospital special care unit which is where babies who are born before their due time are given special attention. The equipment will play a pivotal role in helping take care of the premature babies born at the facility during the neonatal period.
The donation was carried out as part of the ‘Mulago Yaffe’ campaign which was launched in 2014. ‘Mulago Yaffe’ campaign is geared towards raising awareness and standards of sanitation and health care facilities in Uganda, starting with Mulago National Referral hospital.
Staff Writer