Amaru, this talented girl. Her voice is smooth and melodic. Rich too. She first hit us with Stay. The video turned heads at the inaugural Club Music Video Awards; she scooped quite a number of nominations and accolades too. She has been in New York, and now? She is back at home.
A few weeks back, she released her new video for Crashing featuring Ruyonga. There is always some magic to her videos. The storyboarding is flawlessly well-scripted. The video for Crashing seems simple. It’s a low-budget video, but with a touch of class weaved with creativity. Body language, for the most part, did the talking here.
In the video, it’s Amaru and a guy only. Well, and Ruyonga who comes through and gives his two cents. But the two seemingly lovebirds strike a beautiful tableau. The backdrop is magical. It, once again, reminds us that you don’t need to pack and congest the video with unnecessary shots. And Crashing brings that out; it’s simple yet creatively put. You can watch it on mute and still get the drift. But then again, Amaru is a well-trained cinematographer (if I am not mistaken) and it seems she writes most of her scripts.
Crashing has that urban touch that sets it apart. The way Ruyonga falls in, out of the blue, unannounced, is not a shabby idea too. Crashing, for me, is one of the best videos of this year. Good song. Good video. Amaru, we want more!
Staff Writer