A Pass says Africans should create their own awards. This comes on the back of a loud public outcry following the segregative treatment of African artistes at the BET Awards after they were handed their awards hours to the main event.
Here’s what A Pass posted:
“#IamUgandan Am not here for mourning and groening purposes, No. But I feel that Africans should create there own Awards and involve as many Africans as possible because there are many countries in Africa but most of these awards held in Africa are dorminated by “Nigerians” Ghanaians and South Africans No Beef on them but I think they have raised the bar with some nice videos, fair songs with nice beats and also put a lot of politics in music play on Mtv and ChannelO and these are the some of the major players in the entertainment industry in Africa, and remember what you are familiar with is what you think is good, so since so many Africans watch you they think you are quality!!! But my brothers you are just marketable …. I was so happy that Eddy received a B.E.T Award but was disappointed by the way it was handed over to him and the place #OnTheRedCarpet But We Won and am glad Uganda is proud of you Eddy, But when I hear Nigerians mourning and groening it really beats my understanding, we dont have a fair ground to battle musically even down here in Africa “Mutulekemu” actually some nigerian entertainers on interviews say they don’t know other artists apart from themselves Lol, (Good for self esteem and confidence) I do not have a problem with your competitive spirit but I have a problem with you wanting to win at other peoples expense ! #DontBeSelfish #ForGodAndMyCountry”
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