African Woman, in conjunction with The Serena Hotels and Rwanda Air, finally concluded their exciting #CelebrateLove Valentines campaign on the 13th of February 2015 in a joyous and emotional ceremony held at the Serena Hotel VIP room.
The month long campaign involved African Woman’s social fraternity nominating couples they felt deserved a romantic getaway to Serena Hotel, Nairobi. The winning three couples shared their very emotional love tales with the house, reminding us that true love still exists after all.

Before the press, representatives from Serena Hotels, Rwand Air and African woman Team awarded the three winning couples with the biggest prize going to Couple 6 (Deo Kizito Mukwaya and Wuman Rwakafuuzi) who will enjoy a fully paid trip at the Serena Hotel, Nairobi.1st runner up couple 3 (Mr & Mrs Godfrey and Emily Katamujuna) are entitled to a full course meal at The Serena Kampala’s Italian Bistro; while 2nd runner up couple 1 (Mr & Mrs Moses and Sarah Ogola) get a full course meal at the Explorer, still at Serena Hotel, Kampala.
Nominator of the winning couple ( Ndamuhakyi Sydney) also got coupons for a full dinner at Pearl of Africa Restaurant.

Mr and Mrs Katamujuna’s son Sydney tearfully narrated how Mrs Emily has stood by her stroke stricken husband for over 10 years; there was barely a dry eye in the house after the emotional story.
In a sudden twist of events, the couple received extra gifts from Rwandair (return air ticket to Nairobi) and free night at the Serena Hotel, Kampala.
African woman publisher Sylvia Owori immediately requested Mrs.Emily Katamujuna to share her story as African woman of the Month because she believed that this was a story that not only needed a bigger platform, but would resonate with many.