It is no news that men love to receive blow jobs. In fact, a lot of men consider this their favourite sex act. What’s not to love? You have your woman putting in so much effort into giving you such extreme pleasure while you just sit back and relax.
The challenge there is that a lot of women are not big fans of going down on their partner. There could be quite a few of reasons for this but mostly, some women simply do not feel motivated to go down that way.
Here are four great ways to get her and keep her motivated enough to not only give you a blow job, but enjoy the process too.
1. Keep things clean
If you aren’t getting enough head, your hygiene could also be an issue. It’s no secret that privates, despite being hidden to the outside world, are among the dirtiest parts of the body. And while there are women that don’t mind or even like the sweaty, salty, and often combined with hints-of-urine-taste in their mouths, there are also those who find this very unpleasant.
Do not just simply whip it out and ask her to take it in a mouth, make the effort to prepare for the act. Take a shower and get cleaned so she does not automatically react negatively when you ask for a bj. You can even take a shower together with her, this might make her more comfortable.
2. Start small
If your girl is not up to giving you a BJ right off the bat, play it smart and simply include oral sex in your foreplay. Don’t have her continue to go down on you until you come. Have her do it for a couple of seconds, then move to intercourse,
Knowing that sucking you off is not necessarily the only way for you to orgasm eliminates a lot of the pressure and makes her feel more confident and in control. She will be more comfortable with having your penis in her mouth and more open to experiment. With time and encouragement, those shaky 20-30 seconds can and will turn into full-on blowjobs for both, yours and her pleasure!
3. Get active
Sure, it is not the best idea to ram your penis in her mouth as she goes down on you, (you should let her lead the pace) but you should also not just lie there like a lump of wood. If you are enjoying it, make sure she knows it.
Knowing she is pleasing you can be a total turn on. Do not fall into those class of guys that simply lay down quietly during the process. Get into the groove of things and she is likely to put an effort into pleasing you more.
4. Give as you receive
Giving a blowjob is mostly a selfless act. She is pleasing you while you simply enjoy, you should definitely make sure you return the favour.
You should know what her favourite sex acts are and do it for her. If she enjoys receiving head too, be sure to go down on her as often as you can. If she loves massages or anything special, make the effort. Do not wait for her to give you a bj before you show her some love too, you can start the process. Watching you selflessly please her will encourage her to want to do something for you in return too. Remember, no one wants a selfish lover.