When top singer Desire Luzinda posted a beautiful photo of herself in a nice sexy red dress, the last thing she expected was for fans to judge her because of her skin complexion.
The singer was shocked with comments from fans asking her to stop bleaching her skin instead of comments praising her beautiful look in her new red dress.
One of the fans said that she is a beautiful woman who looks good but needs to stay free of bleaching in order to avoid complications in future. “Desire you are so beautiful but reduce on the bleaching darling. It’s too much. You’ll almost look like a zombie if you continue bleaching. Love your music anyways,” said Irene.
Another comment reads; “Wama we love you but reduce on bleaching. Ladies love your colour. You think your turning to white yet you are becoming colorless.”
Aisha said; “people should stop judging Desire. How sure are you that its bleaching? Money changes the weather conditions. Don’t promote bleaching but this girl looks good.”
Desire didn’t respond to any of her fans.
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