By BigEyeUg Team
Former money bags and Bad Black’s side dish, Meddie Ssentongo has revealed that he is being framed for impregnating a University gal named Samantha Angel to make money off him.
According to the young tycoon who served jail time recently for fraud, said that people wish him ill and that is why they are ‘tying’ the girl on her.
“I heard of this talk two weeks ago and ignored it because it is not the first time this kind of thing is happening. Very many people have tried to tie things to me but none of them has succeeded. That girl has many men and one of them could have impregnated her. She might have been used by people who want to see me fall. I have been accused so many times in 11 years but I have not fallen and I am still standing,” Meddie said.
According to the girl’s friends, she had planned to squeeze money from Ssentongo claiming she wanted to abort. “We know that girl, that’s how she makes money from dudes who chaw her live like all other Karlmax hostel girls,” says Shanice a friend.
We will keep you posted.