Just like women need a lot of attention when it comes to their body parts during sex, men do too. They will also prefer it if you handle their body, especially the penis in a particular way.
Cosmo shares tips on how to handle him right.
1. Lightly tap up and down his shaft with your fingers, like you’re playing a piano with one hand. This helps him get and stay hard by keeping blood flowing into the spongy tissue of his penis.
2. Stroke down his length with one hand to make the skin taut and expose more nerve endings. Then wrap your other hand around the head of his penis and slide it up and down. Use a drop of lube to make sure you don’t chafe his sensitive skin.
3. Take his penis between your open palms and, using your hands like ping-pong paddles, very lightly bat it back and forth. The quick touches feel invigorating and increase circulation to the surface of the skin.
4. Grasp the lower shaft of his penis with one fisted hand and the upper part of his penis with your other fisted hand (both hands should be lubed up). Then lightly twist your hands in opposite directions, as though you’re wringing a towel dry.
5. Make a ring with your thumb and index finger around the base of his shaft, and gently squeeze. This turns your fingers into a human penis ring — retaining blood in his penis and boosting his pleasure. Use the other hand, in a fisted grip, to pull up and twist at the head. Then bring your hand back down to meet the ring.
6. Using the same ring grip, squeeze for a second, then repeat as you make your way up his penis from the base to the head. The mix of pressures will keep him alert.
7. Give your guy a hand in the shower: Approach him from behind and rub your breasts against his sudsy back, then reach around to stimulate his penis. Grab his erect shaft using a fistlike grip with your thumb near the tip, and use an up-and-down jerking motion to mimic the way he handles himself.
8. Place your lubed palms on either side of his shaft, and rub them back and forth, as if you’re trying to start a fire.
9. Hold him by the base of his shaft with one hand, and wrap the fingertips of your other hand around the head so that it’s pointing toward your palm. Then grab his corona — the edge separating the head and shaft — and pull up and down, stroking just along this extrasensitive ridge.
10. Put one hand at the base of his member, and grip firmly. As you begin to move that hand toward the head, place your other hand on the base and follow it up. When a hand reaches the top, start again, so that both hands are constantly stroking him.
Source: Pulse.ng