Dancehall singer A Pass has broken hearts of many of his Jinja fans after he announced he won’t performing at the highly billed Club Mega fest that will be held in that town this weekend. He made the announcement on facebook where he posted:
“A Pass will only perform @WaterFrontBeachEntebbe He won’t be in JINJA To all the fans in JINJA I won’t be there because I will be performing live in Mbarara at HeatsBar on 6Th June so if you wish to see me please #WaterFrontBeach
#ClubMegaFest2015 official programLineUp This Sunday 7thJune2015 #WaterFrontBeach Entebbe This is official and it’s not the first time I am saying this much love JINJA but I already had a commitment with Mbarara Much love and respect ❤ #TeacherApassWillComeNextTime”
BigEyeUg Staff