Has your sex life become boring and predictable? There’s nothing like some fun and games to help put the sizzle back.
These three sexy games, courtesy of Durex, are designed to help you explore your fantasies, kinks and turn-ons and discover new ways to have fun in the bedroom and beyond.
Six minutes of sweet sensation
Sometimes a sense of urgency can be a massive turn on. Experiment to see whether it works for you. Pick a location outside of your bedroom, set your timer on your phone to six minutes, have sex and ignore everything else except for the sweet sensations. With shorter time to indulge in foreplay, this may be the perfect opportunity to also experiment with intimate lubricants.
Lucky dip loving
Turn sex into a game. Start by making your erotic envelopes. Take two envelopes, and mark them WHERE? and WHAT WILL I DO? Make three cards saying hallway, kitchen, sofa, or choose which locations you’d prefer. Place them in the WHERE? erotic envelope. Now, for the WHAT WILL I DO? envelope, write three sexual positions that you’ve never tried, or that you don’t do often. These could be as simple as standing up, doggy style and on top. Then take one card from each of your erotic envelopes, and follow the actions.
Kinky cards
Using a standard deck of playing cards, assign a meaning to each suit: clubs for kissing, diamonds for massage, hearts for manual stimulation and spades for oral sex – or pick your own. Dress up in clothes that make you feel extra sexy, and take turns picking cards from the stack, enjoying giving each other treats – the higher the number, the longer you give or receive pleasure. Feel free to add in jokers to represent fantasies, and nominate aces for extra adventure, like using sex toys or even light spanking. Keep picking cards until you cannot resist taking things further.
Let the games begin!
Source: Health24