At this point many of us are familiar with the harmful effects of excessive masturbation, especially to porn. It’s even worse if you’re addicted. Here are some things you can do to beat the addiction:
1. Get off the computer at night
Avoiding the computer at night will reduce the likelihood that you start watching porn and jerk off. Set a certain time when you will get off the computer, say, 9pm, then close your laptop and don’t open it again until the next morning. Better yet, leave your laptop in a different room altogether. There’s no way you’re going to sit in front of the computer fapping if it’s in the living room.
2. Replace masturbation with another habit
The best way to break a bad habit is not to simply try to stop, but rather to replace it with another habit. If you’re like most guys, you probably masturbate before going to bed. So replace the habit of masturbation with something else like:
- Reading a book
- Meditating (the best option in my opinion, see below)
- Working on a side business
- Writing in a journal
3. Start meditating
Meditation trains your mind to let go of thoughts you don’t want to have. If you are meditating consistently, then when the temptation to masturbate arises in your head you can just let it pass by. You don’t have to “entertain” the thought, and if you don’t think about something then you won’t do it.
What’s more, when you consistently refuse to think about something, those thoughts will arise less and less frequently. So as you keep letting go of the thought of masturbating pass by in your mind, over time the prevalence of this thought will decrease and eventually it will disappear altogether.
4. Try to get really lean (start cutting hard)
When you start trying to get lean (“cutting” in fitness terms) by lowering your caloric intake, your libido will drop as well. If you also consume less fat, the effect is even more pronounced. When your body is in a caloric deficit, it is more concerned with maintaining functions essential to survival rather than getting horny.
One time when I was cutting, there was a girl I had banged a few weeks before who wanted to hook up again. However, I didn’t feel horny at all and ignored her texts, and actually never ended up contacting her. I simply had no desire to have sex.
Obviously this is not recommended in the long term, and for health reasons you should never stop eating fats completely. But if you reduce the amount you are eating you will see a significant drop in libido. Combine this with a caloric deficit and you will feel much less horny; the temptation to masturbate will all but disappear.
5. If you “relapse” then be extremely hard on yourself
If you relapse early on while trying to quit masturbating, then beat yourself up really badly about it. While this might seem counterintuitive, what most people do is beat themselves up a little bit, just enough to feel bad but not enough to make them actually do anything differently in the future.
In this case you want to beat yourself up so badly that you feel really terrible, so much so that you associate feeling absolutely awful with the act of masturbation. Get angry, furious, and disgusted with yourself to the greatest extent possible. This will deter you from relapsing again in the future, because you’ll remember how bad you felt and won’t want to feel that way again.
6. If you “relapse” then don’t feel bad at all (forget and move on)
While this is the exact opposite of the above, the difference is context. If you’re on a good run of not jerking off (many weeks or a few months) and you relapse, then just ignore it and pretend like it never happened. By this point (several weeks or months in the clear) you are “coming out” of the addiction and there’s no reason to get upset over one slip up.
Don’t dwell on it, don’t think about it, and literally try to forget it inside your head. Act as if it never happened. Then continue where you left off and you will be closer than ever to breaking the habit for good.
7. Whatever you do—don’t touch your dick (under any circumstances)
If all else fails, all you have to do is make this your number one rule that you cannot break. No matter what happens, in any situation, do. not. touch. your. dick. You could be lying in bed with a raging boner, horny as hell, but basic cause and effect dictates that if you do not touch your dick then you will not masturbate.
Yes it can be hard, but no matter how badly you’re addicted you DO have enough self-control to simply keep your hands off your penis. “Quitting an addiction” seems difficult and complicated, but “don’t touch your dick under any circumstances” is simple and easy.
Even if you can’t control your thoughts (again, meditation) you ARE able to simply not touch your dick. Make this the one rule that you cannot break, and you will be well on your way to never masturbating again.