Before you say “I do,” before you move in, before you introduce this future mistake to your friends and relatives, there are some things you’d better beware of — Those Apocalyptic Warning Signs.
In case still you’re not getting it, I’m referring to those foreboding signs that keep nudging you, you know the ones, the ones that keep hinting, “This relationship is clearly going to fail!”
Never mind how good the sex is or how many years you’ve known the person or how much time and money you’ve invested. All of that is irrelevant.
No matter how many trips you’ve taken together, hardships and losses you’ve endured together, you cannot save a doomed relationship.
Never mind the fact that you’ve probably become financially or emotionally dependent on the other person or even married him.
When the handwriting is on the wall you’d better READ IT!
So you’re probably asking yourself, “How can I exit this trainwreck.”
Simple. Be honest with yourself.
Stop justifying foolishness while ignoring things that are staring you right in the face. Stop ignoring your instincts.
13 Signs Your Relationship Is Going To Fail!:
- When the majority of your interactions involve disagreements and increasingly hostile interactions.
- When you look more forward to time apart than time together.
- When you receive a call, or text, from a new acquaintance or an old flame and it excites you more than a call from your current partner.
- When you look more forward to leaving home than you do coming home.
- When there’s no more laughter.
- When either of you are being controlled or become controlling.
- When there is a constant hostile tone in one or both of your voices.
- When you cringe at the thought of “ANY” intimate acts together, this includes just being touched.
- If the only thing that’s stopping you from leaving is you can’t afford to go.
- If you fear the person destroying all that you’ve worked so hard to accomplish (or he interferes or doesn’t support your dreams).
- When the only reason you’re still there is because you have no where else to go.
- If the police had been called during an argument, either of you could have been arrested (or maybe you already were!).
- When heated arguments and conflict become the norm.
If eight out of those 13 things are have become your norm, get out. Not only are you lying to yourself, you’re sabotaging any chance for future happiness.
Source: Your Tango