Fashion guru Sylvia Owori who recently opened a new fashion store in London is all smiles after landing a new TV fashion show. The pioneer Ugandan fashionista will have a TV fashion show called “The style Project” which will air on NTV.
“The show will be educative and Informative. It will be the best fashion production out of Uganda,” she told us.
NTV management could not hide the news upon reaching a deal with the Sylvia Owori as the production manager through her twitter account broke the news which was retweeted by the stations MD Aggie Konde.
Here’s the tweet:
Coming soon @ntvuganda @SylviaOwori @AggieNTV @MauriceMugisha @africanwomanmag
— Xena Bant (@shaneshaq) November 8, 2014
“I am changing the game. I introduced show business to Uganda 14 years ago. Now I feel Uganda is ready for part 2 of my work,” the confident Sylvia Owori revealed to BigEye.Ug.
The Style Project will hopefully be prominent fashion TV show in the country. Meanwhile, she will hold a press briefing in regard to this soon.