One day as the NBS TV Frontline host, and Charles Mwanguhya has already had several fake accounts opened in his name.
On the morning after Charles Mwanguhya had hosted his first show as the new “The Frontline” host, the NBS TV official account was out informing all their followers of a fake account opened in their new talent’s name thereby directing them to the right one. To confirm this, Mwanguhya himself also tweeted to reinforce the message.
He posted: “Some frauds have created a fake account using my name and photo against the background of #NBSFrontline. Please ignore it. Otherwise, I am super grateful for all the love. You are the fuel that drives me on. Thank you.”
Anyone that has been on the Twitter streets long enough will have by now noticed how much fake news is put out in pretense of the source being either NBS Television or, once in a while, an on-air talent of theirs – this goes to show just how much the brand has grown to command authority in the media industry if anyone that is trying to push an agenda needs to use “The Political Command Centre” for authenticity.
Because of this, in a world where fake news spreads like wildfire, one has to be extra vigilant. People often open parody/ fake accounts of brands like NBS Television to post satirical, at best, or very misleading information, denting the image of the original brand.
Charles Mwanguhya, according to our sources at the Naguru-based media house, has been left overwhelmed by the attention he has received since he was announced as the new “The Frontline” host, having joined from a rather traditional media background with hardly any digital footprint, you would imagine.
His Twitter following has almost doubled in about four days since his unveiling, growing by well over 1000 followers! No wonder someone out there knew that this period was a good time to open an account in his name as it would be guaranteed growth with the strength in the brand that his new home drives. Many usually ride this wave to grow social media accounts that they later change to other brands or personal accounts with that following.
Charles Mwanguhya joined Next Media Services on 1st September 2021, over 18 months since he left active media practice. His career spans over 20 years, with experience in print journalism, production, and show hosting. He currently serves as the Minister of Information in the Kingdom of Tooro and host of “The Frontline.”