The fouth edition of the StarTimes Kids run took place today the 16th of December 2018 and despite the drizzling rains, it had an impressive turn up. Kids around Kampala along with their parents and guardians graced the Uganda Museum whete the races were flagged off by 6:30AM.
The races were categorized into two with kids below 8 running 1.5 kilometers while those older ran a longer race of 3 kilometers and much later.
According to the organisers, StarTimes, the annual kids races are intended to groom future runners for the country but also keep the young generation fit.
Winners of each race walked away with a 24 inch LED TV.
Every participating kid paid 20,000ugx. Proceeds from the kids race will be used to provide safe water to other kids in less privileged communities in Arua that will be delivered in January next year, the organisers revealed.
Besides the races, kids were entertained to music, ice cream, bouncing castles among others.