By Consolate Namyalo
Wycliff Tugume aka Ykee Benda, one of Uganda’s fastest growing artists wants a music battle.
It should be noted that some time back, we had artists like Bebe Cool and Bobi wine go at each other over who had better music and more fans which later resulted into a real music battle between the two artists dubbed, ”The Battle of Champions”. To date, we shall never know who won since both artists claimed to have won.
It seems Ykee is also set and ready to have his own share of a music battle with another artist and has asked fans to help him make the decision. He took to his official twitter handle asking fans to make some matches for him.
“I want a musical Battle!!!!…make some matches for me I see.. which artist would fit me…artists from 4 years back to date!”he wrote.
Who Is Ready For A Battle?