Roofings Rolling Mills conducted a medical camp at St Peter’s Primary School Nantabulirwa, Namanve aimed to benefit a total of 746 pupils.
Starting 9am-5pm, medical practitioners and nurses from St Peter’s Primary School alongside staff of Roofings were on site to combat air borne and contagious diseases comprising of Tinea/ringworm, Ear infections, Eczema, Scabies, Gastro intestinal disorders, Mumps and Warts with one-on- one checks (skin, eye, dental) and also availed dewormers.
“St Peter’s Primary School Nantabulirwa in Namanve is one of the projects that RRM holds dearly not only because the pupils of this school are children of staff but their welfare is paramount to us. A health survey was carried out to establish the common illnesses, treatment requirements amongst school children and the commonly screened common causes of such kinds of illnesses were associated with poor personal hygiene, direct contact with Infected persons (skin cases) and air borne transmissions such as flu, cough,” explained Stuart Mwesigwa, Business Development Manager.
Based on this survey, RRM decided to carry out a medical camp at the school so that further diagnosis and treatment of more pupils could be done. The medical camp was meant to also teach pupils proper personal hygiene habits to avoid such illnesses.