If Science is to be believed there are types of men who will always cheat on you in a relationship. While I am in no way generalising, you might want to take a look at this list of 9 men who might have a roving eye or worse. There is also some interesting research data to back the infidelity claims.
The boys with the nines: As per a study published in Proceedings of the Natural Academy of Sciences, people at an age which ends in 9 are more likely to cheat on their partners. So all those 29, 39 and 49-year-old men might cause you a lot of heartache. Why? Apparently, this is the age where they tend to make a whole lot of life-altering choices and start afresh the next year.
Those tall guys: Okay, I am quite shocked by this one too but a study published on an extramarital dating site gave us the inside gossip. Apparently, men over 5’10 are the worst offenders. Don’t ask me why!
That IT guy: That geeky good boy look is a scam. Apparently, the IT boys are a bit too good with sneaking around! As per a recent survey, a huge IT crowd falls under the cheating men category.
The business traveler: Men are more likely than women to have a one-night stand says research. So all those business trips can be mere opportunity pads unless you are careful.
That delicious French boy: Truth be told, I was expecting this to crop up. What more can you expect from the men who grew up in the most romantic country in the world. Wine, cheese and girls are their mantra.
The Twitter brigade: Social media can definitely wreak havoc on your relationship and if the research from the University of Missouri is to be believed, Twitter users are more likely to cheat on their partners. Time to #signout?!
The rock and roll boys: A survey from a marital cheating website says that 41 per cent of cheaters prefer rock music to all other genres. Well, go through his iPod before you commit.
The one with the young friends: Multiple researches state that married men often cheat with women who are younger than their wives. So if their friend list has a whole bunch of young and fun girls be wary.
The good listener: This one is another heart breaker. As per surveys, a boyfriend who is a good listener can at times point to the fact that he doesn’t wish to open up to you in the first place. That mystery isn’t all good.
Source: iDiva