You can boost intimacy in your relationship without having sex. I know someone reading this now is probably thinking, how possible is that?
Here are ways to increase intimacy in your relationship without having sex:
1. Do chores together
Doing chores together like laundry, cooking and cleaning can help increase intimacy in your relationship. Doing chores with your partner allows you spend more time together with your partner and it also makes the task more enjoyable.
2. Indulge in each other’s favourite things
You can boost the intimacy in your relationship by indulging in each other’s favourite things. Join your partner to watch his/her favourite TV shows or games. Let the experience of something your partner enjoys be something you enjoy together.
3. Take a stroll together
A stroll together in the evening would help increase intimacy in your relationship. Take a walk around your neighbourhood with your partner, hand in hand.
4. Exercise together
Exercising together as a couple is a great way to build intimacy in your relationship. Couples who sweat together stay together.
5. Cuddle everyday
Cuddling every day without it leading to sex helps increase intimacy in your relationship. Oxytocin – the love hormone that helps us trust and bond – is released in the body when we cuddle.
6. Regular date nights
Having regular date nights in which phones are ignored is another way to increase intimacy in your relationship. Ignoring your phone during a date with your partner ensures you have quality time with your partner.
7. Play games
Playing games together as a couple is an effective way of increasing intimacy in your relationship. Playing board games like Scrabble would improve your vocabulary while also increasing intimacy in your relationship.