A healthy s*x and love life is very important to our general wellbeing.
As a man, your pen!s is the main sexual organ you have and keeping it healthy and sweet, for s*x and loving is very important.
Here are 7 simple tips how to do it:
1. Always be conscious of infections around the pen!s. You can never pamper your pen!s too much. So, as soon as you notice an infection — chiefly boil, cuts or rashes get help immediately. If you allow it to generate into something else, trouble is on the way.
2.Shaving/trimming may not be a bad idea. Leaving too much hair around the pen!s is not so cool. First, during s*x, the hair can cause cuts on the organs and the condoms. Also, hair around the base of the pen!s can be breeding ground for boils and cause bad odour. Best option is to either shave or keep it short and clean.
3. If you clean, clean very well. Dirt can hide in the folds of your scrotum, so go under the pen!s shaft and gently scrub your scrotal sac. For those who are uncircumcised, also pull back the foreskin and wash underneath with warm water.
4. Always wash your little man. A clean pen!s is very, very, very important. So you should wash your pen!s with warm water at least twice a day. Focus on it for a few minutes during your morning shower time and repeat when you’re back at work, times spent in the toilet at work.
5. You should not use a single boxer two days in a row. Many guys use one boxer for a whole week, or even a month! For health reasons, change your boxers every day. This is more important with guys that sweat a lot. The odour of your dirty boxer may give your pen!s a permanent bad smell, breed painful boils and, should your woman ever attempt oral, you’ll leave a bad taste in her mouth
6. Don’t make up your pen!s with powder. A woman’s face may need make-up, but not your pens. Most importantly, avoid using powder around the pen!s. If you do use powder, especially after shaving, you might have to deal with serious irritation and itch. Also, know that your pen!s does not need perfume to smell good. Beat off the temptation to spray perfume around your pen!s. The simple fact is that if you do the steps 1 to 5 above, you’ll have a clean smell.
7. Make your pen!s (sperm) taste nice with fruits. It has been proven that what you eat affects the taste of your penile juice. So eat the right kind of fruits, especially those high in natural sugar— oranges, apples, mangoes etc. They have a positive effect on sperm taste, same as with yoghurt and honey. On the other hand, avoid fruits and vegetables that give bad breath — like onions, garlic. They have an equally negative effect, same with alcohol, coffee and spicy food.
As a general rule, always wash your pen!s as soon as possible when you have s*x— never let vaginal fluids/semen dry on your pen!s.
Source: Naijas