Viagra is well known as a drug used to treat erectile dysfunction.
It is the male go-to drug that has spiced the sex life of many. It works for men who want long lasting erections.
Evidently, viagra is a lot more than these. Check out five interesting things about this sex drug below.
1. It can make you blind
A study has revealed that the active ingredient in Viagra called sildenafil interferes with the action of an enzyme which transmits light signals from the retina to the brain. When used in high doses, the drug can cause disturbances in the vision of active users. Excessive use may cause blurred vision, altered colour vision and sensitivity to light.
2. You can lose your penis
It was reported that a 66 year old Colombian farmer had to get his penis amputated after he over used Viagra to impress his new girlfriend. He suffered an erection for several days and after visiting the hospital the doctors found that his penis was inflamed and fractured and showed signs of gangrene. To prevent the gangrene from spreading to other body parts. The doctors had to remove his organ.
3. Can curb menstrual cramps
Women who suffer from mild to severe menstrual cramps may find relief by consuming Viagra. Research has shown that sildenafil citrate the active component of Viagra, when administered, tends to dilate blood vessels and helps in relieving pelvic pain. The drug was administered vaginally and showed no side effects during the clinical trial.
4. It can act as a diet pill
It’s one thing to improve your sex life but it also helps you lose weight! Viagra helps to burn fat around the abdomen and lowers the risk of obesity. In a study conducted on mice, it was revealed that white fat cells which are abundant around the thighs and waist are converted to beige cells which burn energy from ingested food and convert it to heat. Thus, Viagra is a promising candidate as a drug to fight weight related issues
5. Viagra Ice Cream
Yes you read it right, there’s a Viagra ice cream actually available. A British ice cream maker has developed an ice cream called the ‘Arousal’ and it contains 25 mg of Viagra per scoop. The ice cream was made to order on a whim of an A-listed celebrity and also contains champagne which gives its taste to the ice cream.