By Moses Abeka
Wondering why your newsfeed is feeding you with updates about Bebe? How does he achieve that feat that marketers are trained for but never achieve? Read on.
The influence social media has cannot be escaped! It is easier to attack a certain neighbor on Facebook than in physical. That comes along with an array of advantages which include; no need for hospital bills as a result of assault, guaranteed response, and advice from wannabe philosophers!
Cyber battle has also contributed to the happiness levels giving the idle free occupation to discuss issues on their walls, analysing each celebrity update.
Back to the real story, we unmasked how Bebe defeated motor mouth Golola without saying a word! We reveal the theories that explain how Bebe comes up with viral Facebook updates.
1. SLEEP-TYPING. Have you heard of sleep walking? That sleep syndrome common in boarding schools where one gets up subconsciously in the middle of the night, walks out of a dormitory and goes and urinates on a rivals bed in the next dorm, then returns and sleeps in peace without his knowledge? For Bebe, he wakes up, logs into Facebook and updates sub consciously! That is sleep-typing!
2. MIND READING. Bebe has unique abilities other than singing. He can read the mind of chicken. Yes, he reads the mind of chicken and makes a Facebook post. Thats how he came up with that Cocidiosis song, which he prefers to spell as Kokodiosis. Now you know!
3. MENTOR-SHIP. Perhaps his son plays around with his account.
4. FOREVER YOUNG. Do you really want to live forever and ever? Act young!
5. COMPUTER VIRUSES. A virus ate his account, when asked mbu,”What is on your mind?”, the virus locates for thoughts at the back of Bebe’s mind. Thoughts that he suppresses and would never release to the public. You can’t blame him! Let’s take this moment and listen to Bebe’s ”Akamwako” and appreciate how writers make people look mature and brainy. Nice job, Nince, the song writer.
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