If you’re like most single women, you cannot understand why men never ask you out. You have a first date every once in a while, but then you almost never hear from the guy again. It’s so frustrating!
Why should you continue with online dating or go out to mingle when it never results in your getting asked on dates?
You don’t know what you could be doing wrong, and wonder if perhaps all of the good men really are taken. From where you sit, it seems as though other women don’t have this same problem. Well… there are few mistakes you might be making that could be causing this:
1. You insist on being staunchly Independent.
No one can argue with the advantages of self-sufficiency. However some women wear that independence like a badge of honour. Maybe your self-sufficiency was hard won and came at big price, so you tout that boldly.
The trouble is, men find the staunchly independent woman unattractive.
This might surprise you, but men actually want to feel needed. Good men want to help you fix things, open jars, or build stuff. So, when you brag about how you can do EVERYTHING YOURSELF, he feels unneeded — which is a huge turnoff.
2. You are all business all the time.
You LOVE your job and you rock at it. Awesome! You can’t wait to get up in the morning, and that passion is highly admirable. But your date might not find your work as fascinating.
Whether the guy is an alpha male with a killer career or a beta guy who works for a living, neither one usually wants to talk about work on a date. Your enthusiasm won’t translate into fun for him. On the flip side, you might kick up a sense of competitiveness and nothing shuts down romance faster.
3. You are too much soccer Mom, not enough woman.
If you spend most of your initial communication on your kids, you’ll be more “mom” than woman, which is unappealing to men. At some point your children will be a factor in your romantic relationship, but that’s down the road. Up front, a man is only interested in dating YOU.
4. You put out too much negativity and spend too much time complaining.
Many women complain about life and dating from the moment they connect.
Good listeners get overwhelmed by women who spill their guts over coffee. Polite men try to muddle through until they can leave.
You’ll never make a good first impression by exposing your problems from the outset. Even if you have good reason to complain, you’ll just appear negative.
5. You get too wrapped up in sharing love war stories.
A lot of singles get to know each other by sharing love war stories. You want to explain your divorce or how men have flaked or lied. And you’re curious why your date’s last relationship failed.
Unfortunately, nothing could be more unproductive for finding love.
When you talk about men who treated you poorly, you make your date uncomfortable. He’ll wonder why some guy behaved that way towards you, and if he had good reason. Men get insulted when you bash other men — that’s a surefire way to push them away.
Source: Davinadiaries.com