Here are three ways to expand your pleasure as a couple:
1. Ask your partner the tough question: What are the top five ways you like to be touched?
If they don’t know or list fewer than five, then sexplore together to help them find out! The biggest s*x organ is your mind, and the biggest organ is your skin. Move beyond just private part pleasure to find new fun ways to turn each other on. Don’t overlook simple skin-to-skin contact such as massage, showering together, holding hands, snuggling, cuddling, spooning, or stroking.
2. Each of you write a list of your top three fantasies.
Exchange lists and rank the fantasies from one to three, in the order that you think your partner would rank them. Were you right? Make a plan to do your partner’s #1 — or scrap the plan and do it now! As you’ll find out, sharing and discussing fantasies is a greatly er*tic practice in of itself.
3. Practice a week of alternating “favorites” where you honor your favorites together one day and then play to your partner’s favorites the next.
Include favorite foods, activities, s*x moves, songs, or day trips.
I assure you, with an open mind, curiosity and the dedication to giving your partner what he or she truly wants, the possibilities for pleasure in your relationship are limitless.
Source: Information Nigeria