You’ve finally met the woman of your dreams and now you’re ready to settle down. Now that you’ve met your soul mate, it’s time to start making plans. But do you know all there is to know about her? Take the time to learn as much as you can before you head out to buy that engagement ring. Here are some important questions you need to answer before heading down the aisle.
1. How does she manage money?
How an individual handles personal finances can make or break a relationship. Her poor money choices could put you both in a bind, especially if you plan to purchase a home together. Find out what her spending habits are, if she has any large outstanding debts, and if there are any significant financial strikes on her credit report. For example, if you find out she recently declared bankruptcy but still continues to charge lavish vacations and shop for clothes every week, you may want to rethink your decision to marry. How she manages money can tell you a lot about her character. You also want to investigate her level of financial responsibility so you can avoid taking financial secrets into your marriage.
2. What’s her love language?
Each person has a different way of giving and receiving love. You’ll face a lot of frustration and waste an incredible amount of energy if you don’t love her the way she needs to be loved. For example, if your way of demonstrating and receiving love is to give small gifts, but her way of demonstrating and receiving love is to be touched, neither of you will get your needs met in a way that is fully satisfying.
3. What are her expectations?
You’ll both need to decide beforehand how you’d like to approach your marriage. Some couples opt for a more traditional arrangement, with the wife taking care of minor household issues while the husband makes all of the major decisions, like where to live or how to manage family finances. Other couples would rather have a more balanced lifestyle, where both have an equal say in major decisions and approach marriage as a partnership.