If truly you are dating a girl and its obvious and confirmed that she is your girl friend and loves you and no other person, there are some things you will use to know if yes..she is a good girl and will be a good girl indeed.
If your girl friend is not yet in school, maybe she is a graduate and has not gotten a job, one thing to use to know if she is or will be a good girl is whenever you call her and ask her where she is and she is always at home so long she doesnt lie to you about it, then there is possibility that she will be a good girl. There is 90% possibility of a girl who is always going out to visit friends not to be a good girl or be cheating on you because the more she goes out, the more she gets more chykers and the more she gets tempted to do what she may not have done if she is in the house.
The fewer friends a girl keeps, the less she falls into temptations. A girl who has more plenty of friends is more vulnerable to temptations and more tendency of being a bad girl than a girl who has less plenty of friends. The fewer your friends, the lesser the new habits or characters you learn from friends. Having plenty friends will only expose you to a lot of good and bad things but more of bad things because you will always try to live upto expectations and stil keep your friends. When I mean friends here, I mean close friends and not just casual friends.
I know there are a lot of bad girls that stil find out time to attend church fellowships, i also know that attending church fellowships doesnt make someone a good person but more of the good girls attend church fellowships while more of the bad girls attend parties.
Virginity is not a sign or a criterion that someone is or will be a good girl, we all know that. There are some virgins that are worse that the non-virgins and there are virgins that would have done worse things than those who are not virgins have done if they were not virgins or will stil do worse things more than the non-virgins when they will lose their virginity. But the truth is…someone who lost her virginity at the age of 16, 17 or 18 willing not by force or by raping is likely to be a worse girl than someone who is stil a virgin at the age of 20, 21, 22 and so on especially if both are not born again types. A girl who passes secondary school level and all the life after secondary school, passes jamb level, enters university and stil keeps her virginity despite all the temptations and life in the university and prbably graduates as a virgin is likely to be a good girl.
When your girl friend (truly your girl friend) avoids sex chats with you or doesnt like it, its likely to be a better girl than that your girl friend who so much loves sex chats.
There are some girls that no matter the kind of love she has for you, she hadly sends you her Unclad pictures. Its not that she doesnt trust you, its just that she doesnt like it, it makes her feel she is dirty or a bad girl and it disgusts her. You cant compare such a girl with the one that easily sends her Unclad pictures to her boy friend even when the boy friend doesnt even ask all in the name of love.
Whenever you call your girl friend on phone and her number is always on waiting call or busy, not just for 2 or 3 minutes but mostly 20 minutes, 30 minutes and this doesnt happen once in a while but almost all the time, I think you should be careful with such a girl. Moreso, when you check her phone logs, you will see Jackson2, Don5, Emmy6, Mike PH, Joe Lag, Sam2, Chike, Smith, Sunday5, etc when she is not selling male wears, you dont need anybody to tell you that such girl has gone far from being a good girl. But whenever you call your girl friend and she answers immediately, check her phone logs and you see Dad, Mum, Bro Mike, Sis Jane, Baby (You), Amaka (her god friend), Bro James, etc, I think its better.
You hardly hear her or you notice that she is among the flower girls except her sister’s own or cousin’s own. Unlike some girls that every 2 weeks, she must attend a weeding or be among the flower girls in every wedding she attends; its not as if she getting old but does that because she has so many friends and sometimes wants to get chykers. Such a girl shouldnt be seen as a good girl friend.
There is a girl that if you see the kind of clothes she puts on, the kind of PHONES she uses which you know that you or her parents or brothers or sisters cant just buy for her, the way she tries to get things which are beyond her reach and the hungry for such things, you dont need anybody to tell you that such a girl can go any length to get the money to acquire such things and such a girl is not among the good girls. But when your girl friend is contented with the little she gets from her parents, from you, from the brothers or sisters, she is ok with that tecno or small blackberry or iphone you bought for her and also the little gifts you buy for her, just know that she is a good girl.
When you are dating a girl who is not yet in school or or a girl who is a graduate and she finds it difficult visiting you regularly, not that she doesnt love or miss you or doesnt want to come see you or that there is no lie to tell for her to come see you but because she is not good in telling lies to the parents or not good in leaving her parents house so easily, kindly understand that its her nature as a good girl and nothing else. Unlike that girl you call your girl friend that has million reasons to lie to her parents to leave her parents house and can say it whenever she wants, visits and goes back to her parents house whenever she wants. Some parents dont even ask some of their daughters again where are they going, they may only ask when are you coming back.
There is a girl that whenever she comes visit or to see you, her phone doesnt leave her sight, going to the toilet, bathroom, or even the kitchen, the phone goes with her. If by mistake you touch the phone, she will try to delete somethings or be so conscious to watch what you want to do with the phone. If you eventually try to go to message inbox or the photos, she will immediately grab the phone from you. She is not the type that can forget her phone in your place or give you her phone for hours, she will just be so anxious and unrelaxed because you are with her phone.
The good one doesnt have any problem with you touching her phone or even going through it, sometimes she can even leave her phone with you and come to collect it later because she is sincere and transparent.
Source: Nairaland.com