Saying I love you is the easy part of a relationship. Making the required effort to show that you actually do… that’s where many guys mess it all up.
Keeping your girl truly satisfied and happy at all times is a continuous endeavour, a rollercoaster of efforts, unending like a well-oiled carousel… and absolutely worth it.
A happy woman, cared for, loved, adored, respected will not only beautify your life, but will most likely make your life one of ease and peace.
So, what are the things to do to show a woman that you actually care?
1. More contact
Public display of affection is not just for horny teenagers, it is a valid way of showing continuous interest, and it means a lot to women. In public and private, don’t forget this.
2. Gifts
Gifts given to a woman are never insignificant. Never. No matter how small, it means a lot to her, especially if it’s a thoughtful one.
3. Be attentive
To her mood, and body language. Some women bottle up their discontent but they are hardly able to guise it.
Pay attention to her as much as you can, you’ll be surprised at the length you’ll go with that babe if you do that.
4. Love notes/ cute texts
Women are not men, and absolutely desire these things. It means a whole lot to them.
So, make it short and heartfelt, hilarious, silly and at other times sexy and nasty… just keep the texting and love notes steady.
5. Time
Nothing beats time spent together. All the words of endearment don’t mean jack if you do not spend time with that girl.
6. Plan surprises
As your budget permits, bruh… or rather, as recession permits.
7. Unrequested favours
Women love things being done for them. So… her car needs servicing? Roll up on a Saturday morning, drive the car to the mechanic’s and bring it back in prime condition…
Point is, whatever will make your girl realise that you are actually looking out for her, and that you truly care, just do it.
8. Listen more
Asking a girl to be yours is basically the same as asking to be her best gist mate, best friend and confidant.
9. Genuine change
If she complains about something you can work on, then work on it and be a better man for her.
Partners are meant to make each other better, right?
10. Never forget these things
Constantly doing these things and any other thing that might be particular to pleasing your girl and making her happy should also be your goal.