Baboon forest rapper Mun G was on Friday shocked at Kati Kati where he was holding his concert when about 180 people turned up for his Sejjusa concert. The long advertised concert was crowned Flop of the year by Journalists and frequent party attendants.
“The #SamsungTwitterParty is back! Get ready to party the night away come 19th December at Zone 7 with fellow tweeps. Entrance is 15,000shs. Call 0775439894 for details. Great music and drinks.”
According to our calculations the gate collections could have been between 2,000,000 and 2,200,000 which left the rapper in huge debts according to his budget. On noticing what kind of trouble he could be in with unpaid debts Mun G went back stage and wept like a kid and neither could his fiancée Clara help but weep together with the boyfriend before they disappeared in thin air leaving a waiting crowd.
Following this embarrassment the Baboon forest manager was fired the following morning. We are yet to establish the reasons behind this though baboon forest suggests incompetence.