Moses Abeka
Olympus…sorry, Joseph Olita has fallen. The Kenyan actor famous for his role as dictator Idi Amin Dada, in the hit movie, ”The Rise and fall of Idi Amin” has been spotted on the streets of Nairobi selling pirated movies believed to be those he acted in his hey days.
In his prime, he stood 6 feet 5 inches and weighed 150kg which resulted in his resemblance to former president Idi Amin.
Joseph Olita also acted roles in ”Sheena” in 1984, which cast starred Toro Princess Edith Elizabeth Bagaaya; Mississippi masala in 1991 and has since gone off the scene.
Following the election of Barack Obama as first black president of United States of America in 2008, the actor founded a tour company named ”Kogelo gallamoro tours” which took opportunity of the foreign visitors who kept pouring into Obama’s ancestral home town, Kogelo. However, alot has changed since then.
The actor is making ends by meet selling pirated movies he acted. In Uganda we say, ”That’s life, mwattu! Amin’s bones must be turning in the grave. A true rise and fall!