By Lee Osbourne
Singer Angella Katatumba seems to be investing most of her time away from music into charity work.
The singer is now raising funds for a charity project dubbed ‘Mulago Yaffe’ which is aimed at helping patients, basically pregnant mothers giving birth from Mulago hospital.
The project which is under Angella Katatumba Development Foundation (AKDF) founded by the singer has so far received 10 million shillings donated by CEO Spear Motors Gordon Wavamunno to support the noble cause.
The singer released a statement on social media calling on the public to join the cause for a better Mulago hospital and make donations inform of money, blankets, bed sheets, clothes among others.
Here’s the full statement:
The “Mulago Yaffe” project has began with a big bang.
Spear motors through h.e gordon wavamunno on the 6th october 2014, donated 10,000,000 ugx worth of items like brand new baby clothes, blankets, sheets, hats, socks, breast feeding bras etc, to mulago’s newly born babies and their mothers.
The Angella Katatumba Development Foundation (AKDF) with WBS TV and H.E Dr Boney Katatumba personally delivered them to hundreds of mothers at mulago.
Please help and join the cause to better Mulago hospital. Kindly call AKDF on 0782 551 341 for inquiries or deliver to Hotel Diplomate, Muyenga any new items you would like to be donated to the patients at Mulago hospital.
Yes, you too can make a difference.